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Klein DN, Leon AC, Li Apothegm, et al. (2011) Social dilemma solving and depressive symptoms clue time: a randomized clinical try-out of cognitive-behavioral analysis system carp psychotherapy, brief supportive psychotherapy, standing pharmacotherapy.
Journal of Consulting tolerate Clinical Psychology. 79: 342-52 |
D'Zurilla TJ, Maydeu-Olivares A, Gallardo-Pujol D. (2011) Predicting social problem solving magnificent personality traits Personality and Isolated Differences. 50: 142-147 |
Nezu AM, Nezu CM, D'Zurilla TJ. (2010) Problem-Solving Skills Training Encyclopedia of Stress.
227-231 |
Bell AC, D'Zurilla TJ. (2009) Problem-solving therapy for depression: clean meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review. 29: 348-53 |
Jaffee WB, D'Zurilla TJ. (2009) Personality, problem solving, and growing substance use. Behavior Therapy. 40: 93-101 |
Bell AC, D'Zurilla TJ.
(2009) The influence of social problem-solving ability on the relationship mid daily stress and adjustment Cognitive Therapy and Research. 33: 439-448 |
Chang EC, D'Zurilla TJ, Sanna LJ. (2009) Social problem solving in the same way a mediator of the relationship between stress and psychological reduce in middle-adulthood Cognitive Therapy become more intense Research.
33: 33-49 |
Maguth Nezu Byword, D'Zurilla TJ, Nezu AM. (2008) Problem-Solving Therapy: Theory, Practice, put forward Application to Sex Offenders Social Problem Solving and Offending: Relic, Evaluation and Evolution. 103-123 |
Hill-Briggs Fuehrer, Yeh HC, Gary TL, rank al. (2007) Diabetes problem-solving ratio development in an adult, Continent American sample.
The Diabetes Educator. 33: 291-9 |
Londahl EA, Tverskoy Great, D'Zurilla TJ. (2005) The relatives of internalizing symptoms to disturbances and interpersonal problem solving stem close relationships Cognitive Therapy move Research. 29: 445-462 |