Demonica santiago biography of martin

US Black Heritage: Motown Artists

WikipediaWikiTreeBand NameConnectedDatesHicks, Jackie Jackie HicksThe Andantes Barrow, Marlene Marlene BarrowThe Andantes 1941-2015 Demps, Louvain Louvain Demps The Andantes Phillips, Emily Emily Phillips The Andantes Chapman, Romelle "RoRo" Romelle ChapmanAnother Bad CreationSellers, Chris Chris SellersAnother Bad CreationShelton, David David SheltonAnother Bad CreationPugh, Demetrius "Red" Demetrius PughAnother Malicious CreationPugh, Marliss "Mark" Marliss PughAnother Bad CreationWitcher, Adrian Adrian "General Austin" WitcherAnother Bad CreationAbdulsamad, Khiry Khiry AbdulsamadThe Boys/Suns of LightAbdulsamad, Hakeem Hakeem AbdulsamadThe Boys/Suns produce LightAbdulsamad, Tajh Tajh AbdulsamadThe Boys/Suns of LightAbdulsamad, Bilal Bilal AbdulsamadThe Boys/Suns of LightMorris, Nathan Nathan Bartholomew Morris Boyz II MenStockman, Shawn Shawn Patrick Stockman Boyz II MenMorris, WanyaWanyá Jermaine MorrisBoyz II MenMcCary, MichaelMichael Sean McCaryBoyz II MenNelson, MarcMarc K.

NelsonBoyz II MenLester, Robert "Squirrel"Robert LesterThe Chi-Lites Record, EugeneEugene RecordThe Chi-LitesReed, FrankFrank ReedThe Chi-LitesReed, Eddie Eddie ReedThe Chi-LitesJones, Creadel "Red"Creadel Architect The Chi-Lites Johnson, Clarence Clarence Johnson The Chi-Lites Simon, FredFred SimonThe Chi-Lites Thompson, MarshallMarshall ThompsonThe Chi-LitesThompson, Tara Tara ThompsonThe Chi-LitesAnderson, StanleyStanley AndersonThe Chi-LitesWatson, Anthony Fox Anthony Reynard WatsonThe Chi-LitesKinsey, WillieWillie KinseyThe Chi-LitesRoberson, David "Doc"David RobersonThe Chi-LitesScott, David David ScottThe Chi-LitesJohnson, Danny Danny JohnsonThe Chi-LitesHampton, VandyVandy HamptonThe Chi-LitesBowen, BurtBurt BowenThe Chi-Lites King, WilliamWilliam KingCommodoresOrange, WalterWalter OrangeCommodoresNicholas, J.D.J.D.

NicholasCommodoresWilliams, MilanMilan B. WilliamsCommodoresMcClary, ThomasThomas McClaryCommodoresRichie, LionelLionel Brockman Richie Jr.Commodores, Soloist Yes 1949–Living LaPread, RonaldRonald LaPreadCommodores Callahan, Andr Andre CallahanCommodores Gilbert, Michael Michael GilbertCommodores Ingram, JamesJames IngramCommodores Jett, Skyler Skyler Jett CommodoresReynolds, SheldonSheldon Maurice ReynoldsCommodores, Sun, Accurate, Wind & Fire Ward, City Eugene WardCommodores Manley, Mikael Mikael ManleyCommodores Hodges, Painter David HodgesCommodores Powell, Chelsea Chelsea PowellCommodores Joyner, TomThomas JoynerCommodoresJohnson, HubertHubert Johnson The Contours1941-1981 Potts, SylvesterSylvester Potts The Contours1938-2017 Stubbs, JoeJoseph StubbsThe Contours, Depiction OriginalsNo1942-1988 Edwards, Dennis Dennis Theologist The Contours , The Temptationsd.

2018 Billingslea, JoeJoseph Billingslea Jr.The ContoursBrock, DwjuanDwjuan BrockThe ContoursChisholm, AlAl ChisholmThe ContoursDavis, CharlesCharles DavisThe Contoursd. 2000 English, AlvinAlvin EnglishThe ContoursFair, LeroyLeroy FairThe ContoursGay, CouncilCouncil GayThe ContoursGordon, BillyBilly GordonThe Contoursd.

1999 Green, JerryJerry GreenThe ContoursGrier, GaryGary GrierThe ContoursHatcher, C. AutryC. Autry HatcherThe ContoursHinson, ArthurArthur HinsonThe ContoursHoggart, LyallLyall HoggartThe ContoursHoggs, BillyBilly HoggsThe ContoursJones, OdellOdell JonesThe ContoursNunlee, DarrellDarrell NunleeThe ContoursRollins, BillyBilly RollinsThe ContoursUpshire, MartinMartin UpshireThe ContoursMartin, Sennie "Skip"Sennie Martin III Dazz BandHarris, BobbyBobby HarrisDazz BandSykes, DonnyDonny SykesDazz BandMcClain, MarlonMarlon McClainDazz BandCalhoun, RaymondRaymond CalhounDazz BandHarrison, KeithKeith HarrisonDazz BandFrazier, AlvinAlvin FrazierDazz BandPreston, Wayne Wayne PrestonDazz BandThaler, Les Les ThalerDazz BandMeyers, Ed Ed MeyersDazz BandWiley, Archangel Michael WileyDazz BandWiley, Isaac Jr.Isaac Wiley Jr.Dazz BandCalhoun, Michael Michael CalhounDazz BandKendrick, Kevin Kevin KendrickDazz BandCox, Steve Steve CoxDazz BandFearman, Eric Eric FearmanDazz BandDeMudd, Pierre Pierre DeMuddDazz BandLively, Juan Juan LivelyDazz BandPettus, Kenny Kenny PettusDazz BandBell, JerryJerry BellDazz BandStanton, TerryTerry StantonDazz BandPhilips, Nathaniel Nathaniel PhilipsDazz BandJackson, Michael G.Michael G.

JacksonDazz BandDeBarge, ElEldra Patrick DeBargeDeBargeYes DeBarge, Bunny Etterlene Abney DeBargeDeBargeYes DeBarge, Mark "Marty" Mark DeBargeDeBargeYes DeBarge, Randy William Randall DeBargeDeBargeYes DeBarge, James James Curtis DeBargeDeBargeYes DeBarge, Bobby Robert Louis DeBarge Jr.DeBarge, SwitchYes DeBarge, Chico Jonathan Character DeBargeDeBargeYes Washington, Tony Tony WashingtonDynamic Superiors, Junior Walker & Illustriousness All StarsSpann, George George SpannDynamic SuperiorsPeterback, George Jr.

George Peterback Jr. Dynamic SuperiorsMcCalpin, Michael Michael McCalpinDynamic SuperiorsWashington, Maurice Maurice WashingtonDynamic Superiors Fleming, Robert Robert Bacteriologist The ElginsDawson, Johnny Johnny DawsonThe Elgins Miller , Cleo "Duke" Cleo "Duke" Miller The ElginsMcLean, Norman Norman McLean The ElginsEdwards, Saundra Mallett Saundra Mallett Theologian The ElginsAllen, Yvonne Vernee Yvonne Vernee Allen The ElginsCharles, Prise Jimmy Charles The ElginsEpps, Criminal James EppsThe Fantastic FourPruitt, Patriarch Joseph PruittThe Fantastic FourNewsome, Ernest Ernest NewsomeThe Fantastic FourChilds, Naturalist Wallace ChildsThe Fantastic FourPruitt, Ralph Ralph PruittThe Fantastic FourScott, Unenviable Edward Paul Edward ScottThe Awful FourHorne, Cleveland Cleveland HorneThe Peculiar FourFakir, Abdul Abdul "Duke" FakirThe Four Tops NoLiving Benson, RenaldoRenaldo "Obie" BensonThe Four TopsNo 1936-2005 Payton, Lawrence Painter PaytonThe Four Tops No1938-1997 Peoples, Theopolis Theopolis PeoplesThe Four Crack, The TemptationsLiving Stubbs, Levi Levi StubbsThe Four Tops No1936-2008 McNeir, Ronnie Lewis Ronald McNeirThe Four TopsValli, FrankieFrancesco Stephen CastelluccioThe Four SeasonsBay, RonenRonen BayThe Quartet SeasonsCady, Craig Craig CadyThe Brace SeasonsGordon, Aaron AlexanderAaron Alexander GordonThe Four SeasonsRivera, Noah Noah RiveraThe Four SeasonsFung, Basil Basil FungThe Four Seasons Keller, RickRick KellerThe Four SeasonsLopez, Alfredo Alfredo LopezThe Four SeasonsGrillo, Carmen Carmen GrilloThe Four SeasonsSanesi, Andy Andy SanesiThe Four SeasonsRobinson, Robbie Robbie RobinsonThe Four SeasonsDeVito, TommyGaetano DeVitoThe Quaternity SeasonsBob Gaudio Gaudio, Robert JohnThe Four SeasonsNick MassiMacioci, Nicholas Family.

The Four SeasonsCharles CalelloCalello, CharlesThe Four SeasonsJoe LongLaBracio, Joseph Gladiator The Four Seasons Grimm, BobBob GrimmThe Four SeasonsCallas, Demetri Demetri CallasThe Four SeasonsDeLoach, BillBill DeLoachThe Four SeasonsJordan, ClayClay JordanThe Span SeasonsCarangelo, Ronnie Ronnie CarangeloThe Three SeasonsPolci, Gerr Gerry PolciThe Link SeasonsCiccone, DonDonald Joseph CicconeThe Duo Seasons Shapiro, LeeLee ShapiroThe Quatern SeasonsPaiva, JohnJohn PaivaThe Four SeasonsCorbetta, Jerry Jerry A.

CorbettaThe Twosome SeasonsLingle, Larry Larry LingleThe Three SeasonsHammann, Lynn Lynn HammannThe Span Seasons Wilson, ChuckChuck WilsonThe Quaternion SeasonsRobinson, Rex Rex RobinsonThe Span SeasonsHam, WarrenWarren HamThe Four SeasonsSwensen, RobinRobin SwensenThe Four SeasonsLarrabee, Player Howard LarrabeeThe Four SeasonsStone, TimTim StoneThe Four SeasonsAlvarado, TomTom AlvaradoThe Four SeasonsRoverato, FinoFino RoveratoThe Combine SeasonsCallaci, RichRich CallaciThe Four Seasons Donelly, DanielDaniel DonellyThe Four SeasonsPilo, Craig Craig PiloThe Four Seasons Beard, LandonLandon BeardThe Four SeasonsBrigham, Brandon Brandon BrighamThe Four SeasonsBrigham, Brian Brian BrighamThe Four SeasonsFournier, Todd Todd FournierThe Four SeasonsVano, Rudy Rudy VanoThe Four SeasonsCrutchfield, ShireenShireen Elaine CrutchfieldThe Good GirlsTolbert, JoyceJoyce TolbertThe Good GirlsSantiago, DeMonicaDeMonica SantiagoThe Good GirlsReed, FawnFawn ReedThe Good GirlsGuinn, Randy Sizzling Guinn GuinnGuinn, Michael Michael Guinn GuinnGuinn, Skip Skip Guinn GuinnGuinn, Bonnie Bonnie Guinn GuinnGuinn, EarlEarl Guinn GuinnGuinn, Marjorie Marjorie Guinn GuinnFulton, Lori Lori Fulton GuinnCutler, CarlCarl CutlerHearts Of Stone, Leadership Four PenniesLawson, FloydFloyd LawsonHearts Fend for Stone, The Four PenniesMyers, Bog John MyersHearts Of Stone, Representation Four Pennies Griffin, LindseyLindsey GriffinHearts Of Stone, The Four PenniesMitchell, BarbaraBarbara MitchellHigh InergyMitchell, VernessaVernessa Ann Mitchell High InergyMartin, MichelleMichelle MartinHigh InergyHoward, Linda Linda HowardHigh Inergy Isley, RonaldRonald IsleyThe Isley Brothers NoLiving Isley, ErnieErnie IsleyThe Isley BrothersNo Living Isley, RudolphRudolph IsleyThe Isley BrothersNo Living Isley, O'Kelly "Kelly"O'Kelly Isley Jr.The Isley BrothersNo 1937-1986 Isley, MarvinMarvin IsleyThe Isley BrothersNo 1953 - 2010 Jasper, ChrisChristopher Howard JasperThe Isley BrothersNo Living Vernon IsleyVernon IsleyThe Isley BrothersNo 1943 - 1954 Evans, BobbyBobby EvansImpact Encourage Brass Freed, RichardRichard FreedImpact Decelerate BrassJackson, Jackie Sigmund Esco JacksonThe Jackson 5Yes Jackson, Tito Toriano Adaryll JacksonThe Jackson 5 YesJackson, JermaineJermaine La Juane JacksonThe General 5 Yes Jackson, MarlonMarlon King JacksonThe Jackson 5 YesJackson, RandySteven Randall JacksonThe Jackson 5 Yes Jackson, MichaelMichael JacksonThe Jackson 5, Soloist YesGladys KnightKnight, Gladys MariaGladys Knight & the PipsNo Knight, Merald "Bubba"Merald Woodlow Knight Jr.Gladys Knight & the PipsNo Guest, WilliamWilliam Franklin GuestGladys Cavalier & the Pips No1941-2015 Patten, EdwardEdward Roy PattenGladys Knight & the Pips NoKnight, BrendaBrenda KnightGladys Knight & the PipsGuest, EleanorEleanor GuestGladys Knight & the PipsGeorge, LangstonLangston GeorgeGladys Knight & dignity Pips Reid, RickardoRiccardo ReidKreuzCummings, SeanSean CummingsKreuzLawes, WayneWayne Christopher LawesKreuz Reeves, MarthaMartha ReevesMartha and the VandellasNo Reeves, LoisLois ReevesMartha and excellence VandellasNo Reeves, Delphine Delphine ReevesMartha and the VandellasAshford, Rosalind "Roz"Rosalind Ashford-HolmesMartha and the Vandellas NoBeard, AnnetteAnnette BeardMartha and the VandellasNo Roschelle LaughhunnLaughhunn, RoschelleMartha and interpretation VandellasWilliams, GloriaGloria WilliamsMartha and integrity VandellasNo Kelly, BettyBetty KellyMartha good turn the Vandellas, The Velvelettes No Tilley, SandraSandra TilleyMartha and description Vandellas, The VelvelettesYoung, WandaWanda LaFaye YoungThe MarvelettesHorton, GladysGladys HortonThe MarvelettesAnderson, KatherineKatherine AndersonThe MarvelettesTillman, GeorgeannaGeorgeanna TillmanThe MarvelettesCowart, JuanitaJuanita CowartThe Marvelettes Bogan, AnnAnn BoganThe MarvelettesDobbins, GeorgiaGeorgia DobbinsThe MarvelettesWhite, RonnieRonald Anthony WhiteThe MiraclesMoore, Warren "Pete"Warren Thomas MooreThe MiraclesRobinson, SmokeyWilliam Robinson Jr.The MiraclesNo Dawson, ClarenceClarence DawsonThe MiraclesGrice, JamesJames GriceThe MiraclesRogers, Emerson "Sonny"Emerson "Sonny" RogersThe MiraclesRogers, BobbyRobert Edward RogersThe MiraclesRobinson, Claudette RogersClaudette Annette Rogers RobinsonThe MiraclesMarv_TarplinTarplin, Marvin The MiraclesBilly GriffinGriffin, William L.The MiraclesGriffin, Donald "Don"Donald "Don" GriffinThe MiraclesCotton, CarlCarl CottonThe MiraclesFinley, David "Dave"David "Dave" FinleyThe MiraclesJustin, Sidney Sidney JustinThe MiraclesTurner, TeeTee TurnerThe MiraclesScott, MarkMark ScottThe MiraclesStreet, RichardRichard Allen Street The Monitors, The TemptationsHarris, WarrenWarren HarrisThe MonitorsFagin, SandraSandra FaginThe MonitorsFagin, Bog "Maurice"John "Maurice" FaginThe MonitorsLittlejohn, Darrell Darrell LittlejohnThe MonitorsHunter, Herschel Herschel HunterThe MonitorsHarris, Leah Leah HarrisThe Monitors McDuffie, Joanne "JoJo"Joanne McDuffieMary Jane GirlsWells, Cheri Cheryl Ann Bailey Mary Jane GirlsGhant, Candice "Candi" Candice Ghant Mary Jane GirlsWuletich, Kimberly "Maxi" Kimberly WuletichMary Jane GirlsMarine, Yvette "Corvette"Yvette MarineMary Jane Girls Sarna, LisaLisa SarnaThe Mary Jane Band, Stone Encumbrance BandJohnson, Tabby Tabby JohnsonThe Rub Jane BandQuavoQuavious Keyate Marshall MigosOffsetKiari Kendrell CephusMigosTakeoffKirshnik Khari BallMigosDixon, HankHank DixonThe OriginalsGorman, DillonDillon GormanThe OriginalsDixon, TerrieTerrie DixonThe OriginalsForrest, DefrantzDefrantz ForrestThe OriginalsGaines, WalterWalter GainesThe OriginalsHunter, TyTy HunterThe OriginalsGorman, Freddie Frederick Cortez GormanThe OriginalsSpencer, C.

P. Crathman Plato SpencerThe Originals, The Spinners, The Voice mastersJones, BillBill JonesPower Of ZeusMichalski, BobBob MichalskiPower Illustrate ZeusWeber, DennieDennie WeberPower Of ZeusPeriano, JoeJoe PerianoPower Of ZeusPointer, RuthRuth Esther PointerThe Pointer Sisters NoPointer, IssaIssa Kuren Edwards The Relationship Sisters NoPointer, SadakoSadako Ruth Relation Johnson The Pointer Sisters NoPointer, AnitaAnita Marie Pointer The Needle advice Sisters No1948-2022 Pointer, BonniePatricia Eva PointerThe Pointer Sisters No Pointer, JuneJune Antoinette PointerThe Rod Sisters NoBridges, GilGil BridgesRare EarthMonette, RayRay MonetteRare EarthBurghdoff, Randy "Bird"Randy BurghdoffRare EarthStokes, Floyd Jr.Floyd Stokes Jr.Rare EarthBruner, MikeMike BrunerRare EarthPatterson, Jerry LewJerry Lew PattersonRare EarthBrucato, ChuckChuck BrucatoRustixCollins, RonRon CollinsRustixColon, DavidDavid ColonRustixD'Andrea, BobBob D'AndreaRustixStrenk, VinnieVinnie StrenkRustixGalich, Al Al GalichRustixLong, JeannieJeannie LongSisters LoveRoyster, VermettyaVermettya RoysterSisters LoveFort, LillieLillie FortSisters LoveBerry, GwenGwen BerrySisters Love Clayton, Merry Merry ClaytonSisters LoveCoates, OdiaOdia CoatesSisters LoveMycroft, TimTim MycroftSounds NiceBuckmaster, PaulPaul BuckmasterSounds Nice Meat_LoafMarvin Lee AdayStoney & Meatloaf StoneyShaun MurphyStoney & Meatloaf Fidge, Richard Richard FidgeSUNDAY FUNNIESKosinski, RichardRichard KosinskiSUNDAY FUNNIESAitken, RonRon AitkenSUNDAY FUNNIES Ross, DianaDiana RossThe Supremes, Soloist[[Wikipedia:Florence_Ballard| Ballard, Florence]]Florence Glenda BallardThe Supremes McGlown, BettyBetty McGlown-TravisThe Supremes Comic, BarbaraBarbara Diane Martin RichardsonThe Supremes Birdsong, Cindy Cynthia Ann BirdsongThe Supremes, Labelle Terrell, JeanVelma Dungaree Terrell The SupremesLaurence, LyndaLynda TuckerThe SupremesPayne, ScherrieScherrie Ann PayneThe SupremesGreene, SusayeSusaye GreeneThe Supremes Fambrough, HenryHenry Lee FambroughThe Spinners Jefferson, C.J.C.J.

JeffersonThe SpinnersTaylor, MarvinMarvin TaylorThe SpinnersPeck, Jessie RobertJessie Robert PeckThe SpinnersMoss, RonnieRonnie MossThe Spinners Jackson, PervisPervis JacksonThe SpinnersHenderson, BillyWilliam HendersonThe SpinnersEdwards, JamesJames EdwardsThe SpinnersSmith, BobbyRobert Organize SmithThe SpinnersDixon, GeorgeGeorge DixonThe SpinnersEdwards, Edgar "Chico"Edgar EdwardsThe SpinnersCameron, Blurry.

C. George Curtis CameronThe Spinners, The TemptationsWynne, PhilippéPhillippe WalkerThe SpinnersEdwards, JohnJonathan EdwardsThe SpinnersWashington, FrankFrank WashingtonThe SpinnersBonhart, Harold "Spike" Harold BonhartThe SpinnersWashington, CharltonCharlton WashingtonThe SpinnersIngram, PhillipPhillip IngramSwitchWilliams, Gregory Gregory WilliamsSwitchFluellen, EddieEddie FluellenSwitchMcGloiry, MichaelMichael McGloirySwitchNickson, AkiliAkili NicksonSwitchDeBarge, Tommy Tommy DeBargeSwitch Yes1957-2021 Sims, Jody Jody SimsSwitchGiles, AttalaAttala GilesSwitchGallo, RenardRenard GalloSwitchOzen, GonzalesGonzales OzenSwitchHawkins, ChristopherChristopher HawkinsSwitchWatters, AnthonyAnthony WattersSwitchCarbaugh, HowieHowie CarbaughSwitchMeyers, CharlesCharles MeyersSwitchJames, RickJames Ambrose President Jr.Stone City BandMcGrier, AllenAllen McGrierStone City BandNunn, BillyBilly NunnStone Expertise BandSims, ClarenceClarence SimsStone City BandErvin, CliffClifford J.

ErvinStone City BandLeMelle, DanielDaniel LeMelleStone City BandWilliams, Erskine Erskine WilliamsStone City BandErvin, JohnJohn ErvinStone City BandIvory, KappKapp IvoryStone City Band Scott, KennethKenneth ScottStone City Band Payne, LaMorrisLaMorris PayneStone City BandHughes, LaniseLanise HughesStone Urban district BandHughes, NateNate HughesStone City Company, The Three AmigosAlston, OscarOscar AlstonStone City BandAkiem, ShondaShonda AkiemStone Skill BandMcDermott, TomTom McDermottStone City BandTomlinson, Malcolm Malcolm TomlinsonStone City BandBrown, DouglasDouglas BrownSafetySuitHenshaw, JeremyJeremy HenshawSafetySuitCunningham, TateTate CunninghamSafetySuitCarey, JesseJesse CareySafetySuitLloyd, CurtisCurtis LloydSafetySuitGarofalo, DaveDave GarofaloSafetySuit Charnow, Carah FayeCarah Faye CharnowShiny Toy GunsPetree, Gregori ChadGregori Chad PetreeShiny Toy GunsDawson, JeremyJeremy DawsonShiny Toy Guns Wealth, SiselySisely Dove TreasureShiny Toy GunsMartin, MikeyMikey MartinShiny Toy GunsJohansson, DanielDaniel JohanssonShiny Toy GunsPetree, StevenSteven PetreeShiny Toy Guns Taylor, BobbyBobby TaylorBobby Taylor & the VancouversChong, TommyThomas B.

Kin ChongBobby Taylor & the VancouversHenderson, WesWes HendersonBobby President & the VancouversPatterson, EddieEddie PattersonBobby Taylor & the VancouversKing, RobbieRobbie KingBobby Taylor & the VancouversLewis, TedDuris Maxwell Bobby Taylor & the Vancouvers, The TemptationsDiamonde, DickDingeman Adriaan Henry van der Sluijs The EasybeatsVanda, HarryJohannes Hendrikus Patriarch van den BergThe EasybeatsWright, StevieStephen Carlton WrightThe EasybeatsYoung, GeorgeGeorge Redburn Young The Easybeats Fleet, SnowySnowy FleetThe EasybeatsCahill, TonyTony CahillThe EasybeatsWilliams, OtisOtis Miles Jr.The Temptations Gladiator, RonRon TysonThe Temptations Weeks, TerryTerry Wayne Weeks The TemptationsGrant, Polished Tony GrantThe Temptations, Az YetJackson, Jawan M.

Jawan M. JacksonThe TemptationsFranklin, Melvin "Blue"David Melvin EnglishThe TemptationsKendricks, EddieEdward James KendrickThe TemptationsWilliams, PaulPaul WilliamsThe TemptationsBryant, Elbridge "Al" Elbridge BryantThe TemptationsRuffin, DavidDavis Eli RuffinThe TemptationsEdwards, DennisDennis Edwards Jr.The TemptationsOwens, RickyRichard OwensThe Temptations, Say publicly Vibrations Harris, DamonOtis Robert Diplomat Jr.The TemptationsLeonard, GlennGlenn Carl LeonardThe TemptationsPrice, LouisLouis Bernhardt Price The Temptations Woodson, Ali-OllieOllie Creggett The TemptationsDavis, RayRaymond DavisThe TemptationsMcGilberry, HarryHarry McGilberry Jr.The Temptations Henderson, Barrington "Bo"Barrington Scott HendersonThe Temptations Joe HerndonHerndon, Walter GregoryThe Temptations Williamson, BruceBruce Alan Williamson Jr.The TemptationsBraggs, LarryLarry BraggsThe TemptationsGreene, WillieWillie GreeneThe Temptations Corbino, MarioMario CorbinoThe TemptationsAlexander, AnneAnne AlexanderThree Ounces of LoveAlexander, ElaineElaine AlexanderThree Ounces of LoveAlexander, Regina Regina AlexanderThree Ounces depose LoveBennett, CliffCliff BennettToe Fat Kerslake, LeeLee Gary KerslakeToe FatHensley, KenKenneth William David Hensley Toe Fat Konas, JohnJohn KonasToe FatGlascock, JohnJohn Glascock Toe Fat Kendall, AlanAlan KendallToe FatGlascock, BrianBrian GlascockToe FatWiggins, D'wayneD'wayne Patrice WigginsTony!

Toni! Toné! Saadiq, RaphaelCharles Ray WigginsTony! Toni! Toné!Riley, Timothy ChristianTimothy Christian RileyTony! Toni! Toné! Riley, Dyson TateDyson Tate RileyTony! Toni! Toné!Stickemz, FrankFrank StickemzTony!

Toni! Toné!Baker, ElijahElijah BakerTony! Toni! Toné!Wheeler, CarlCarl WheelerTony! Toni! Toné!Wiggins, RandallRandall WigginsTony! Toni! Toné!Haile, AntronAntron HaileTony!

Mohsen guizani biography graphic organizer

Toni! Toné! Khalil, AmarAmar KhalilTony! Toni! Toné!Smith, James "Jubu" James SmithTony! Toni! Toné!Harris, JoeJoe HarrisThe Undisputed TruthCalvin, Billie RaeBillie Rae CalvinThe Beyond question TruthEvans, Brenda JoyceBrenda Joyce EvansThe Undisputed TruthMcDonald, VirginiaVirginia McDonaldThe Acknowledged TruthDouglas, Tyrone Tyrone DouglasThe Beyond question TruthBarkeley, TyroneTyrone BarkeleyThe Undisputed Truth Stephenson, CalvinCalvin StephensonThe Undisputed Truth Boom, TakaYvonne StevensThe Undisputed Truth Thomas, MarcyMarcy Thomas The Admitted Truth Stewart, MelvinMelvin StewartThe Indisputable Truth Williams, LloydLloyd WilliamsThe Incontrovertible TruthWhitehouse, DaveDave WhitehouseThe Underdogs Shermetaro, ChuckChuck ShermetaroThe Underdogs Perrin, SteveSteve PerrinThe Underdogs Lena, ChrisChris LenaThe Underdogs Louisell, JackJack LouisellThe UnderdogsMorgan, MichaelMichael MorganThe UnderdogsRoumell, TonyTony RoumellThe UnderdogsAvig, StuartStuart AvigThe ValadiersAlonzo, AndyAndy AlonzoThe ValadiersRevels, Donald Donald RevelsThe Valadiers Valverde, CharlieCharlie ValverdeThe ValadiersColeman, Marty Marty ColemanThe Valadiers Glasser, ArtArt GlasserThe ValadiersLight, Jerry Jerry LightThe Valadiers Gill, CarolynCarolyn GillThe VelvelettesGill, MildredMildred GillThe Velvelettes Barbee, BerthaBertha BarbeeThe Velvelettes Barbee, NormaNorma BarbeeThe Velvelettes McMillan, AnnetteAnnette McMillanThe Velvelettes Earl, CrispinCrispin EarlThe Careen Union Ramsdell, RyanRyan RamsdellThe Swerve Union Viana, RicardoRicardo VianaThe Swerve Union Fiddler, JamesJames FiddlerThe Trend Union Roots, MarcMarc RootsThe Shift UnionBeaton, Neil Neil BeatonThe Do Union Schraeder, EricEric SchraederThe Bring off UnionReimer, TylerTyler ReimerThe Veer UnionWijayanayake, AmalAmal WijayanayakeThe Veer Union Sittler, DanDan SittlerThe Veer UnionWalker, JuniorAutry DeWalt Mixon Jr.

Junior Footslogger & The All Stars Nicks, BillyBilly NicksJunior Walker & Decency All Stars Patton, FredFred PattonJunior Walker & The All StarsWoods, Willie Willie Woods Junior Zimmer & The All StarsThomas, Subjugator Victor ThomasJunior Walker & Honourableness All StarsGraves, JamesJames GravesJunior Frame & The All StarsPantry, JohnJohn PantryWolfeRichmond, JohnJohn RichmondWolfeWade, MikeMike WadeWolfe Ryan, NickNick RyanWolfeSlater, RobinRobin SlaterWolfeMartin, A.

Michael A. Michael MartinezXITKolb, Alfonso Alfonso KolbXIT Suazo, JomacJomac SuazoXITHerrera, Lee Leeja HerreraXITSuazo, Mac Mac SuazoXITGariss, R. C. R.

C. GarissXIT Bee, TomJoseph Saint BeeXIT Brinson, JerryJerry BrinsonYours TrulyJones, Ricky Ricky JonesYours Truly Brooks, TerenceTerence De Vaughn BrooksYours Truly Neufville, RenéeRenée NeufvilleZhanéBaylor, JeanJean NorrisZhané Allen, Richard "Pistol"Howard Richard Allen The Funk Brothers Jack Ashford Ashford, Jack The Funk Brothers Babbitt, BobRobert Andrew Kreinar Dignity Funk Brothers Benjamin, BennyWilliam Benzoin Jr. The Funk BrothersBrown, Eddie "Bongo"Eddie Brown The Funk Brothers Griffith, JohnnyJohn Ellis Griffith Jr. The Funk Brothers Hunter, JoeJoseph Edward Hunter The Dread Brothers Jamerson, JamesJames Lee Jamerson The Funk BrothersJones, UrielUriel Jones The Funk Brothers Messina, JoeJoseph Lucian Messina The Squinch Brothers White, RobertRobert Willie Wan The Funk Brothers Willis, Eddie "Chank" Eddie Willis The Funk BrothersFurstenfeld, JustinJustin Custodian Furstenfeld Blue OctoberDelahoussaye, RyanRyan Delahoussaye Blue October Furstenfeld, JeremyJeremy Furstenfeld Blue OctoberNoveskey, MattWilliam Levi Noveskey Blue OctoberKnaak, WillWilliam Bearer Knaak Blue OctoberMulally, LizLiz Mulally Blue OctoberCoulter, BrantBrant Coulter Blue OctoberHudson, C.B.C.B.

Hudson Negative OctoberCasey, DwayneDwayne Casey Blue October Skih, PiperPiper Skih Blue October Ostrander, MatthewMatthew Ostrander Blue October Mandrake, JulianJulian Kayl Mandrake Bombshell OctoberWilliams, KameelahKameelah Williams 702 Grinstead, LeMishaLeMisha Grinstead 702 Grinstead, IrishIrish Grinstead 702Grinstead, OrishOrish Grinstead 702 Cruz, AmeliaAmelia Cruz 702 Le'More, CreeCree Le'More 702 Villarreal, TiffanyTiffany Villarreal 702, Soloist Lachey, NickNicholas Scott Lachey 98 DegreesTimmons, JeffJeffrey Brandon Timmons 98 Degrees Jeffre, JustinJustin Paul Jeffre 98 Degrees Lachey, DrewAndrew Bathroom Lachey 98 Degrees Lippman, JonathanJonathan Lippman 98 Degrees Akon Aliaune Damala Badara Akon ThiamSoloist GeorgioGeorge AllenSoloistAlston, GeraldGerald Alston Illustriousness Manhattans, SoloistArie, IndiaIndia Arie SimpsonSoloist AshantiAshanti Shequoiya DouglasSoloist Barnes, Record.

J.J. J. BarnesSoloist Bauer, RobRob BauerSoloistBlinkySondra Williams --Burnette, DorseyDorsey Burnette --BabyfaceKenneth Brian EdmondsSoloistBadu, ErykahErykah BaduSoloistBell, DrakeDrake BellSoloistBingham, YummyElizabeth T.

Wyce BinghamSoloistBraxton, ToniToni Michele BraxtonSoloistBroussard, TrinaKatrina Broussard SoloistBiondo, WillWill BiondoSoloistClark, ChrisChris ClarkSoloistCampbell, ChokerChoker Campbell --Crawford, CarolineCaroline CrawfordSoloistClay, TomTom ClaySoloistMansion, CrystalCrystal MansionSoloist CharleneCharlene Marilynn D'Angelo SoloistAngela ClemmonsClemmons, AngelaSoloistChambers, Vita Vita ChambersSoloistDarin, Bobby Bobby DarinSoloistDean, DebbieReba Jeanette Mormon --Coleman, Desiree Desiree ColemanSoloistEddy, Duane Duane EddySoloistEckstine, BillyBilly Eckstein-- No1914-1993 Feliciano, José José Monserrate Feliciano García SoloistGarrett, Siedah Deborah Christine GarrettSoloist Gaye, MarvinMarvin Pentz Gay, Jr.--Yes 1939-1984 George, Valerie Valerie GeorgeSoloistGill, Johnny Johnny Incubate Jr.

SoloistGermaine, Nikita Nikita GermaineSoloistHolland, Eddie Edward Holland Jr. SoloistHolloway, Brenda Brenda HollowaySoloistHolloway, PatricePatrice Yvonne HollowaySoloistHouston, ThelmaThelma JacksonSoloist Hutch, WillieWilliam McKinley HutchisonSoloistHowell, Reuben Patriarch HowellSoloistHarris, Sam Samuel Kent HarrisSoloistHollister, DaveDavid Le Chaine Hollister SoloistJackson, ChuckChuck JacksonSoloist Jackson, MichaelMichael JacksonThe Jackson 5, Soloist YesJohn, MableMable JohnSoloist Johnson, MarvMarvin Earl JohnsonSoloist James, Keef Keef JamesSoloist Crook, RickJames Ambrose Johnson Jr.Soloist Itemize, MilaJamila Akiko Aba ChilomboSoloist KemKim OwensSoloistRoss , KevinKevin RossSoloistLovesmith, Archangel Michael L.

SmithSoloist Forwardthinking, ShortyFrederick Earl LongSoloist Lattisaw, StacyStacy Lattisaw JacksonSoloistLaVette, BettyeBetty Jo HaskinsSoloistRenae, La'PorshaLa'Porsha Renae MaysSoloist LatifCorey Latif WilliamsSoloistLohan, LindsayLindsay Dee LohanSoloist LondonNoel Franklin Jr.SoloistMilitello, BobbyRobert Philip MilitelloSoloistMcNair, BarbaraBarbara Jean McNairSoloistMarie, TeenaMary Christine BrockertSoloistDee, KikiPauline MatthewsSoloistMcDowell, Carrie Carrie McDowellSoloistMcKnight, BrianBrian Kelly McKnightSoloist Weathergirl TroubleLaTasha Sheron RogersSoloist McDonald, MichaelMichael McDonaldSoloistMisa (Rapper) MisaSoloistMorgan, DebelahDebelah Laksh MorganSoloist Bruno MarsPeter Gene HernandezSoloist Michele, ChrisetteChrisette Michele PayneSoloist MyaMya Marie HarrisonSoloist Ne-YoShaffer Chimere SmithSoloist Ox, MattMatthew GrauSoloistPreston, BillyWilliam Everett Preston Soloist Queen LatifahDana Elaine OwensSoloist YesRandolph, BarbaraBarbara Ann SandersSoloistRuffin, JimmyJimmy Lee RuffinSoloistRae, Dina Dina RaeSoloist Robbins, JimmyJames Archangel RobbinsSoloist RockwellKennedy William GordySoloist Go to sleep.

James, PhyllisPhyllis Yvonne WilliamsSoloist ShaniceShanice Lorraine Wilson-KnoxSoloist Starr, EdwinCharles King HatcherSoloist Strong, BarrettBarrett StrongSoloist Ashford & SimpsonValerie Simpson -- Lapidator, DennisDennis StonerSoloist SparkleStephanie EdwardsSoloistShand, RemyRemy ShandSoloistStaples, VinceVincent Jamal StaplesSoloist Kole, SebastianColeridge Gardner TillmanSoloistShontelleShontelle LayneSoloistSavage, TiwaTiwatope SavageSoloistTaylor, R.

DeanRichard Dean Actress SoloistTerrell, TammiThomasina Winifred MontgomerySoloistUFOKristian HumaidanSoloistUnoTheActivistTroy LaneSoloistVan Dyke, EarlEarl Van Dyke The Funk Brothers, SoloistVanityDenise Katrina MatthewsSoloistVega, TátaCarmen Rosa VegaSoloistWaylonWillem BijkerkSoloistWare, LeonLeon WareSoloistWeaver, JasonJason WeaverSoloistWells, MaryMary Esther WellsSoloistWeston, KimKim WestonSoloist Willis, BruceWalter Bruce Willis SoloistWilson, MaryMary Wilson The Supremes, SoloistWonder, StevieStevie WonderSoloist YesWright, Syreeta/RitaSyreeta Wright SoloistYoung, ValValaria Marie YoungSoloistZionFélix Gerardo Ortiz TorresSoloist, Zion & Lennox